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Growing Opportunity


Upon hearing about CEPAD’s Family Gardening Program, Santos wanted to take advantage

of the new opportunity.

“I had a big yard, but lacked seeds and materials to have a garden. I didn’t have the knowledge or techniques to do so. I was motivated to join the Family Gardening Program due to the guarantee of workshops, technical assistance, and seeds. I valued CEPAD’s help because to contract an agricultural engineer to help would be very expensive and we can’t afford that.”

Now, instead of empty land, Santos grows tomatoes, pepper, onion, cabbage, carrot, squash, radish, pineapple, and yucca. Her family is eating better, and she likes to teach her kids about what they are doing.

“The garden gives us a space to work together. While we work, I take advantage of the time and chat with my kids. I’m able to teach them how to take care of the environment and that our harvest will help feed us. We value the work we do together. It provides a sense of peace in the house.”

Not only does Santos have healthier food to feed her united family, she is also able to use her garden as a business opportunity.

“Some of my harvest I’m able to sell. I know what price to put it at, either in the market or in my community, because I know how much it costs me to grow it. I’m able to sell at a fair price without threatening my family’s food supply.

Praise be to God now that I have food security! I’m able to produce in the rainy and dry seasons.”

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